When will I get an answer to my email?
You can expect to receive a response by the next business day. However, we check the email consistently so you may receive a response immediately.
Can I talk to someone?
If you request a callback, the camp director may reach out to you. Please make sure to clearly outline your questions or concerns in your email. If your inquiry is addressed on the FAQ page, you will not receive a callback; instead, you will be directed to that page for the information you need.
Can my child be with their friend?
Campers may request to be with a friend who is in the same grade level. We will honor one friend request per camper. Too many friends in one group will be divided into two groups.
How are campers separated?
Campers are separated by grade level. Each camper will be put
in the grade level that he/she is going into the next school year.
Can I get a refund?
Camp West requires a $125 non-refundable deposit at time of registration. The balance of each session must be paid one month before the session starts. Cancellations before May 1st will receive everything but the non-refundable deposit, cancellations after this period are nonrefundable, but the funds may be transferred to another session during the same summer. If a camper is violent in any way, they will be asked to leave with no refund given as we have a zero-tolerance policy regarding violence.
Are you an indoor or outdoor camp?
Camp West is considered an open-air day camp. However, there will be times when they have activities inside. We have water stations at each activity and the counselors encourage campers to drink lots of water during the day.
Can I come take a tour?
Unfortunately, no. We are a school during the school year and closed to the public.
Can I hang out on campus while my camper is at camp?
No. We are a closed campus and do not allow people we don't know on site while kids are here.
Does my child have to participate in activities?
Campers must stay with their group at all times. All of our activities are camper tested and approved. We strongly encourage campers to participate and try new things.
What happens if it rains?
Campers are brought indoors when it begins to rain. We have a rainy-day schedule with special activities just for rainy days. Many campers say rainy days are their favorite!
Are there lifeguards?
Yes, we have 6-8 certified lifeguards at the lake each day and most of our counselors are in the water with the campers as well.
What is a typical day like?
Every day starts with our morning rally where they play games, sing songs and each tribe shows off their group chant. After rally, each group will go to different activities until lunch. After lunch, we have council ring where everyone comes together again for more fun before lake time.
Is there a nurse at camp?
No. All senior counselors are CPR certified and have first aid training and will administer first aid if needed. If your camper is running a fever or needs to lay down, we have a first aid counselor that will watch them until you can pick them up. Incident reports will be sent home for any minor injuries.
What if we're not a Christian family. Can my child still attend?
Yes. Our primary goal is to provide the traditional summer camp experience in a safe Christian environment. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their beliefs.
What happens if my child has a Dr. appointment during the day?
Camp management would prefer you to make all appointments in the morning as it is easier to get them to their group when you drop them off. Lake time is from 1:00 - 3:30 so it can take a while to locate your camper and bring them back from the lake during this time. Please inform us at registration if you know of any appointments.
How do you handle medication?
Our first aid counselor will administer medication as needed. Older campers can keep their own epi pens and inhalers on them. The senior counselors will keep them for younger campers.
What if my child is allergic to foods that are served at lunch?
Lunch is served by or trained kitchen staff who wear gloves, masks, and hairnets. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate food allergies, but campers are always welcome to bring a packed lunch.
Who are the counselors?
All of our counselors are high school and college age students who have been vetted and background checked.
How many counselors do you have?
Our counselor-to-camper ratio is about 5:1. Each group has at least one senior counselor with 1 to 2 junior counselors depending on group size.
Does my child need to bring money?
The snack shack is open during lake time for your child to purchase candy, chips and other snacks for $1-$3. Free snacks are provided during lake time. Campers may also bring their own snack.
Will my children see each other throughout the day?
Campers are placed with their age group and will do morning activities and lunch with their group. All groups are in the lake together after lunch.
How deep is the lake?
The deepest part is about 20 feet deep, but most of it is only about 10 feet deep.
Is the lake treated and tested?
Yes, the lake is treated and tested monthly by Lake Pro, Inc.
Does my child have to know how to swim?
No, every camper is required to wear a life vest while in the lake and there are many certified lifeguards and counselors in the water with them.
Is my child forced to stay with their counselor during lake time?
No, lake time is considered free time. Their counselors will have a designated place that they will stay while in the lake so they can easily be found if needed.
Are there theme days at Camp West?
Yes! We encourage kids to come to camp these days dressed up for a fun and messy day.
Wednesday June 4, 2025 – Hawaiian
Wednesday June 11, 2025 – Western
Thursday June 19, 2025 – Sports
Wednesday June 25, 2025 – Christmas
Friday July 4, 2025 – Patriotic